Tenderduty Setup

Create Pagerduty Service

  1. Click +New Service

  2. Add Service Name and Details

  3. Assign Escalation Policy

  4. Choose "Events API v2 Integration"

Get Validator Address

  1. Check your local port for status

curl<YOURPORTHERE>/status | jq
  1. Look for your "address" under "validator_info". It will look something liek this:

"validator_info": {
      "address": "YOURADDRESSHERE",
      "pub_key": {
        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
        "value": "NOTWHATYOUWANTHERE"
      "voting_power": "1000000000000"
  1. On a machine that has gaiad installed run:

gaiad keys parse YOURADDRESSHERE

This will return something like:

- cosmosqrthqrthqrthqrth
- cosmospubqrthqrthqrth
- cosmosvaloperqrthqrtnqrtn
- cosmosvaloperpubatrhqryjqrynqrn
- cosmosvalconsaderthqafgnrn
- cosmosvalconspub1eva29cmn9twrthwrthwjtyjwtyjwtym
  1. Input the address that starts with "cosmosvalcons" into your tenderduty .yml file.

    Go to Tenderduty Machine

    Navigate to To tenderduty/chains.d folder

    cd tenderduty/chains.d

    Create a new chain .yml file

    nano namada-testnet.yml 
    chain_id: union-testnet-4
    valoper_address: cosmosvalcons1nue4xu43a2ypqrtfx4tzeeh5ws5sm66ymj5h8f
    public_fallback: yes
      stalled_enabled: yes
      stalled_minutes: 10
      consecutive_enabled: yes
      consecutive_missed: 50
      consecutive_priority: critical
      percentage_enabled: yes
      percentage_missed: 4
      percentage_priority: warning
      alert_if_inactive: no
      alert_if_no_servers: no
        enabled: yes
        api_key: "<YOURAPIKEYFROMPAGERDUTYHERE>" # uses default if blank
        enabled: yes
        webhook: "" # uses default if blank
        enabled: no
        api_key: "" # uses default if blank
        channel: "" # uses default if blank
      # Own Node
      - url: tcp://<YOURIPHERE:YOURPORTHERE>
        alert_if_down: yes
      # Public RPC
      - url: https://<OTHERRPCSNODESHERE>
        alert_if_down: no

    Restart tenderduty:

    sudo systemctl restart tenderduty && journalctl -fu tenderduty

Last updated


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