Full node build
Set profile
Different people use different profiles in there environments. It's likely that by default you use .profile
. You may also use something like .bashrc
, or .zshrc
. In your HOME directory type "ls -la" and look for one of these two. To see which shell you are running when the shell is opened you can add an echo statement to these files and see which one prints when you open your terminal.
In ~/.bashrc
In ~/.zshrc
In ~/.profile
Set your profile variable here with whatever itialization file is printed upon opening your terminal shell:
Install Go
Install Rust
Install CometBFT
In order to check that the installation was successful, you can run the following command
Which should output something like:
Install Node
Install the current version of node binary.
In order to check that the installation was successful, you can run the following command
Which should output something like:
Join the network as pre-genesis validator:
Once the chain-id
has been distributed, it is possible to join the network with the CHAIN_ID
Join the network as post-genesis validator:
Once the chain-id
has been distributed, it is possible to join the network with the CHAIN_ID
***********IMPORTANT NOTE**************
: /home/$USER/.local/share/namada/shielded-expedition.b40d8e9055/cometbft/config/priv_validator_key.json
Running namada as a systemd service
The below assumes you have installed namada from source, with make install
. It at least assumes the respective binaries are in /home/user/.cargo/bin/namada
The below makes a service file for systemd, which will run namada as a service. This is useful for running a node in the background, and also for auto-restarting the node if it crashes.
Enable the service with the below commands:
Now you can manage the node through systemd commands:
Run the node
Stop the node
Restart the node
Show node logs
Using a wallet from the namada extension
Initializing a new validator account
The user must first generate a key pair for their validator account.
Now choose a name for your validator:
Request tokens from faucet
Go to https://faucet.heliax.click/ and input address
Initiate Validator
A validator account requires additional keys compared to a user account, so start by initializing a validator account:
It is also possible to convert an established account to a validator account:
The validator account will now have the same alias as the established account.
When initializing a validator account, it is also mandatory to specify both the commission-rate
charged by the validator for delegation rewards (in decimal format) as well as the maximum-commission-rate-change
per epoch in the commission-rate
. Both are expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1. The standard for mainnet will be set by social consensus, but for testnets, the standard has been 0.01
and 0.05
, respectively.
This command will generate the keys required for running a validator:
Consensus key, which is used in signing blocks in CometBFT(opens in a new tab).
Validator account key for signing transactions on the validator account, such as token self-bonding, unbonding and withdrawal, validator keys, validity predicate, state and metadata updates.
Then, it submits a transaction to the ledger that generates the new validator account with established address, which can be used to receive new delegations.
The keys and the alias of the address will be saved in your wallet.
Bond tokens to your validator
*Notes on node crashes:
When your node crashes with a stack overflow, you must kill the cometbft process manually. For example find the process id with
ps aux | grep cometbft
and then runkill -9 <pid>
Then increase the file limit with
ulimit -s 65520
and restart the node.You don't need to delete your DB directory.
Last updated
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